Five Element Coaching

No amount of acupuncture, herbs, or alchemy can keep up with the poor lifestyle choices that undermine the very principles of wellness. You wouldn’t start a house renovation or expansion when part of it is on fire, would you? Needles can’t give you back the sleep you lost from scrolling social media past your bedtime. Herbs can’t undo the metabolic wasteland resulting from a diet of processed food. And Alchemy can’t work its magic if you don’t create space for spiritual growth in your life.

Five Element Coaching Sessions aim to remedy just that. As a wellness coach with over 8 years of experience in the field, I've got the knowledge and expertise to help you make lasting positive changes in your life.

It won’t happen overnight, but in time, you'll be able to confidently navigate the nutrition maze, optimize sleep, control stress, regulate immune function, repair gut health, boost cognitive prowess, and slow down the aging process.