
This technique involves carefully burning Artemesia vulgaris, which is also commonly known as Mugwort, on or near the surface of the skin. It is considered one of the few effective means by which we can donate vital qi to the body. This treatment is particularly wonderful for nourishing various deficiencies and provides the therapeutic quality of a warm, loving hug directly on the acupuncture point, promoting both comfort and healing.

Gua Sha

This technique is a widely practiced at-home therapy in East Asia that uses a smooth, rounded tool to apply gentle pressure to the skin, stimulating the flow of qi and enhancing lymphatic circulation.

When applied to areas of stagnation, Gua Sha often produces dark red marks known as "Sha." Over time, as your tissues become healthier and stagnation resolves, you'll notice that these marks diminish, indicating improved circulation and well-being. This therapy is wonderful for restoring range of motion and reducing pain over the neck, shoulders, back, and legs.

Tui Na

This is a traditional form of medical massage that applies firm, rhythmic pressure to stimulate the acupuncture channels, promoting the flow of qi and blood throughout your body. This technique is designed to relieve tension and restore movement within the body's energy systems.

By targeting specific points and pathways, Tui Na not only addresses physical discomfort but also supports overall well-being, enhancing your body's natural healing processes.


Cupping is a therapeutic technique that functions like a reverse massage, where instead of pressing into the skin, a vacuum force is created to gently lift the skin and underlying tissues. This process helps draw out stagnant fluids, enhance lymphatic circulation, and restore mobility and flexibility to the fascia.

Cupping is particularly effective for addressing stubborn, deeply rooted conditions that resist other forms of treatment. Similar to Gua Sha, cupping may leave dark red marks on areas where it is most needed, which indicate stagnation. Over consecutive treatments, these marks typically fade as circulation improves and the underlying issues are resolved.

Plum Blossom Needling

A Plum Blossom Needle is a tool with seven tiny needles arranged in a concentric circle (resembling a plum blossom). This tool is used to rapidly and lightly tap a large area of skin. The resulting stimulation encourages healthy blood flow, dramatically improving skin conditions, promoting hair growth, and providing other metabolic and cosmetic benefits through its support of qi and blood movement.

I’ve seen first-hand a significant amount of hair regrowth on the scalp from a combined therapy approach featuring Plum Blossom Needling and topical growth factors.